OUCH! What is ‘mommy wrist’ and how to ease this parental pain

New moms frequently experience pain in their wrists, hands and thumbs from holding and picking up their new and growing babies. It’s known as “mommy wrist” and is the result of increased repetitive activities that aggravate the thumb tendons. SSM Health orthopedic surgeon Dr. Morgan Weber is a hand specialist who says the condition is very common.

dr. morgan weber

“It’s officially called de Quervain's tenosynovitis, but ‘mommy wrist’ is much easier to say and highlights how common it is for new moms. It is the result of overuse and poor mechanics, particularly occurring when lifting your baby under the child’s armpits while holding your hand in an L-shaped position,” says Dr. Weber. “It also happens when moms are in the habit of holding the baby’s head with their hand in that same L-shaped position while feeding. Over and over, there is strain on the thumb tendons and that’s the problem.”

Easing the pain of mommy wrist

To ease the pain, Dr. Weber recommends the following:

  • Ice the area
  • Take ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain reducers
  • Wear an over-the-counter wrist brace that provides support around your thumb

Dr. Weber says it’s also important to give your wrists a rest. By changing the way you lift and feed the baby, you can begin to heal the inflamed tendons.

“Instead of lifting the baby under the armpits, try using a scooping motion under the baby’s back and bottom while keeping your wrists in a neutral or straight position,” said Dr. Weber. “When feeding, try propping the baby up using a pillow instead of holding the baby’s head in your hand. There’s a lot to be said for proper position. You can often ease pain and promote healing by being mindful of how you’re using your hands and wrists. When these things aren’t working, come in and see someone. We can get a hand therapist to work with you. Corticosteroid injections can be really helpful, and rarely, surgery is required.”

Carpal tunnel in new moms

Carpal tunnel syndrome is another condition that causes pain, numbness and tingling in the hand. The carpal tunnel is a tight space in the wrist where the median nerve passes through to the hand. During pregnancy carpal tunnel is usually related to increased blood volume and fluid retention which causes swelling in the hands. Symptoms may persist or develop after pregnancy as well. Post-partum carpal tunnel syndrome is usually the result of prolonged hand and wrist position that decreases the size of the carpal tunnel.

“As with mommy wrist, keeping the wrist in a neutral position can really help. An over-the-counter brace is also a good idea, but you would not need one that includes support for the thumb,” advises Dr. Weber. “Be sure to use it when you go to bed too. Many people flex their wrists when they sleep and this position can aggravate the condition.”

Watch Dr. Weber’s recent television interview in Madison, Wisconsin where she talked about ways to heal mommy wrist.

If you’re experiencing pain in your wrists and hands, an SSM Health orthopedic surgeon may help you regain mobility and reduce pain.

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